Animal Health Services
New Zealand is dependent on primary industry for a significant part of our export earnings. Animal health is critical to New Zealand. Without healthy animals we cannot meet the standards required by our trading partners when exporting animal products. The welfare and the health of our animals is important for our terrestrial and marine primary industry. The need to control and eradicate, or exclude diseases and pests is paramount.
The survival of our native ecosystems with their unique birds, lizards, bats and invertebrates is dependent on healthy animals free from diseases, parasites, pests, predators and competitors.
New Zealand is geographically and geologically from much of the world. This isolation has provided us with a unique flora and fauna that is free from many of the animal pests and diseases prevalent elsewhere in the world. This freedom from many of these pests will continue to be a factor in ensuring the success of our primary industries. Our climate, high quality soils, production efficiencies provides us with the ability to provide quality dairy and meat products in export markets. Our freedom from pests and disease is a competitive trading advantage that we need to maintain.
In Gear Global has experience in industry and government, both nationally and internationally, working to build, improve and maintain animal health, welfare and sanitary systems.
In Gear Global’s experience spans strategy, policy and systems development and implementation, science and technical issues, emergency management, and production.
The survival of our native ecosystems with their unique birds, lizards, bats and invertebrates is dependent on healthy animals free from diseases, parasites, pests, predators and competitors.
New Zealand is geographically and geologically from much of the world. This isolation has provided us with a unique flora and fauna that is free from many of the animal pests and diseases prevalent elsewhere in the world. This freedom from many of these pests will continue to be a factor in ensuring the success of our primary industries. Our climate, high quality soils, production efficiencies provides us with the ability to provide quality dairy and meat products in export markets. Our freedom from pests and disease is a competitive trading advantage that we need to maintain.
In Gear Global has experience in industry and government, both nationally and internationally, working to build, improve and maintain animal health, welfare and sanitary systems.
In Gear Global’s experience spans strategy, policy and systems development and implementation, science and technical issues, emergency management, and production.